Tuesday, June 14, 2011

BIBD's Fundraising Charity Campaign for Japan

السلام عليكم

Konnichiwa Minasan

Let's help Japan! We need volunteers!

BIBD is organizing a fundraising charity campaign held this Sunday, 19th June, 2011 from 6am to 2pm at the Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium, and will comprise three events; a Charity Run, a Charity Cycle and Charity Bazaar. This is part of their Charity Expedition for the tsunami and earthquake victims in Japan.

For the Charity Bazaar, we need volunteers in setting up & taking care of the booth as well as assistance in various activities that will take place during the event.

To those who are interested in volunteering, there will be meeting with Minako Sensei.
Date & Time: Thursday, 16th June 2011, 1pm.
Venue: LC/IPISOAS Building (Room G.19A)

Volunteers, please send in your details (full name, contact no. & e-mail) to
Fatin - afifah.zaini@live.com or by text, 8618899
Izzul - izzuladi@gmail.com or by text, 8992298.

We would greatly appreciate your help towards the cause.
Thank you!

(for more info:
https://www.bibd.com.bn/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=210%3Abibd-to-hold-a-charity-expedition-for-japan&catid=39%3Ageneral-news&Itemid=73 )

BJFA-UBD Chapter

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